Sunday, November 22, 2015

First snow of the Season

Oliver loved it!

Oliver loved it!

Trigger.............not so much.

Elijah had so much fun!

Look out Mom!

Call it what you will, he said it was a snowman. Ha!

It just kept coming down!

And, where was everyone else? 
In the house, where it was warm and dry. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

29 years ago.............

I gave birth to my first born child. Had I known back then, how much he would change my would have been mind blowing, to say the least. It still is now, when I think of how my life began to evolve after been given this precious gift. Not only did I have a child, I had a child with Down syndrome. What could have been seen as a tragedy, has transformed my then, self-centered world, into a beautiful, inspiring and rewarding life, full of surprises at every turn. 
I could go on and on and talk all about the extraordinary people that have been, and are in my life because of Jimmy. The experiences we have had, the laughs, the hugs, and the amazing times.  There have also been times, of tears and frustration, but everyone has these. I'm pretty confident that I have had a lot less of those times, then most. My boys are so rewarding and can bring me to tears just thinking of how much I love them. Because of Jimmy, we have Caleb, Liam and Elijah . Really, if people on the outside ever think , that this is difficult for me, what would be the rationale? Because it's not hard, it's not even close. It's an amazingly beautiful life, that I am sure I don't deserve. I have often through the years, asked God, what did I ever do to be chosen, to be Jimmy's mom. I certainly wasn't living my life for anyone but me, at the time. I was a good person, but I was all about wanting the big house, perfect family, success, beauty........ not thinking about the less fortunate, and never the disabled. They weren't even on my radar. I had no idea that there were so many blessings that came along with loving and being loved, by a person with a disability. And I  know, that I never would have become a special education teacher, if it had not been for Jimmy. Now, I couldn't imagine becoming anything less. All of this, I owe to God and and because of Jimmy being my son. 
So celebrating Jimmy's birthday is so much more than just his birthday. It's his life AND the life he has given me, and ultimately the life he has given Caleb, Liam and Elijah. Lord knows, they would not be in our family without, Jimmy. And I hate to even think of what a tragedy that would be for both them and me. My life could have really been different, if it had not been for Jimmy. I can't even imagine how it would pale in comparison to what I have now. So 29 years ago, I was given a reason to celebrate, not only on every November 9th, but every day of the year.

My life, my love, my hero, my joy! 
Happy Birthday Jimmy, 
I love you. 
We all do!