Thursday, November 26, 2020


 I can't believe my poor forgotten blog has been neglected for so long. I post most of my stuff on Instagram and Facebook. We celebrated Caleb's and Jimmy's birthdays in October and November. With Covid still here, we had a birthday parade for Caleb which was so much fun! Jimmy declined, because he didn't want to go outside on his birthday. Unfortunately, he is pretty worried about the virus and doesn't like to leave the house, even to go outside much. :(  Here are the birthday boys (Caleb 18) and Jimmy (34) on their special days.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Happy Birthday Elijah!!

 Elijah turned 14 in July. :) He is getting tall and has a little goatee growing. He doesn't like it though so I'm sure it will be shaved soon. He's such an amazing gift to our family. He is handling this pandemic fairly well. He likes to be home. If you give him a choice, most of the time he will choose home. He loves to watch videos on youtube, so I decided it was time, he got a bigger tablet. He was excited when he got an Amazon Fire for his birthday. We also had a Onward birthday party which was fun! I love this kid more and more every day. He is sweet, kind, funny. Happy 14th Birthday sweet boy! You will always be my baby. :) 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Still here

 I can't believe it's been almost 2 months since I posted here. Not much has happened. We are still staying at home. We did celebrate Christmas in July with some Christmas cookies and goodies and played Christmas music all day. The boys have been staying up later than normal during the summer, but I've wanted them to have as much fun as they can, being stuck at home. They seem to be happy with trips to get ice cream, and playing in the kiddie pools, riding bikes, walking the dogs....Caleb has been helping me bake things, and that's been fun. Jimmy works out every morning and I am his counter and his biggest supporter. I can't be more proud, because he hates exercise. 

And we had so much fun celebrating Elijah's birthday last month! I need to post about that next. He's already 14 and he's my baby!

We did have to have some workers come in the basement because our hot water heater turned itself off, do to CO. It apparently wasn't venting properly, so we had to have a new vent be put in through the chimney down into the basement. A lot of drilling through cement, but it's done and we got our hot water back on. I also got two CO detectors for the house. :)

I've decided to have the boys do school online. I will be teaching them mostly myself, because online school is definitely not enough or as effective as person to person. But, I don't want to send them back yet. I have taught spec. ed. for 15 years, so I feel very comfortable about it. 

It is starting to get worrisome, as more and more children are getting Covid-19. Some are struggling in the hospital and some are dying. A few young adults with Down syndrome that I knew of have died and that is extremely heartbreaking. :( 

I have to get Caleb's senior pictures done. I still can't believe that he's a senior!! He's grown up too fast! :(

And that's about it. It's hard not to have pictures of the lake and water park, zoo.....but I don't feel comfortable taking the boys out. Some people are and they are fine. Some people are and they are getting the virus. I can't take any chances with my boys. 

Saturday, June 20, 2020

June 2020

Well, it's been over a month and most of our state has opened up again. The Covid-19 virus is not gone, but most people are staying six feet away from each other and wearing masks. And some aren't, and so my boys and I, are not going out. Well, we are going outside and we go out for grocery pick up, to get ice cream and such. But, we are not going to the movies, restaurants or stores. It's not worth the risk. They are doing their summer programs remotely, and who knows what will happen this Fall. I do know, that I will be teaching them from home, at least until next year. Sending them to school where they can be exposed to this virus, is not a wise choice for my boys. I'm actually looking forward to homeschooling for a little while, since I am a special education teacher, and I do miss teaching. How blessed I am,to be able to stay home with my boys and to keep them safe. There are others that are not able to do so. I would be panicky to be honest, if I had no choice, but to send them to school and I had to go to work, during a global pandemic. So here are some pictures from the last month. We have been having a good time, and making the best of the situation at hand. :) 
God is Good all the time!

On Zoom, with his class.

New glasses!

Caleb's 15th Gotcha Day. :)

Summer nap

Washing Mom's van. :)

Fruit pizza

My favorite Fed Ex guy!

Caleb loves to cook!