This is going to be the year that I begin to love myself. To extend the grace to me, that I extend to others. I have never done this, I am so hard on myself. But, as I grow older, I am more comfortable with myself. I think with my heart, I always have. That has not always been a good thing, but it has definitely shaped my life. So many things, that I would not have done if I sat down and did the old pro's and con's list. Looking at the monetary cost versus the emotional reward. And I am happy that I think and act with my heart, I would rather believe in goodness, then become overwhelmed in the what if's. This loving yourself thing is a long time coming for me. I've been listening to others for decades talk about loving yourself, and seeing your worth. I think I'll begin with liking myself and know that I am worthy, even if I have to remind myself several times a day. :)
Happy New Year!