Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Enjoying summer and some throwing too:)

My littles absolutely LOVE to be outside. Liam's favorite thing to do is play in the pool. Elijah loves to play in the sandbox. And Caleb loves to do both those things, plus throw anything he can find.

He has broken a couple of garage windows by throwing toys at them.:( But I finally thought of something that he can throw and not break anything. A beachball. He loves it. He can throw it at the house, on the roof, in the pool, even at the windows and guess what? They don't break! Caleb told me one day with a big smile, "Mommy, throwing is fun!" It made me stop and realize that his throwing which drives me crazy, gives him a sense of joy. He is not doing it to make me upset. He honestly gets enjoyment from it. It makes him happy. And that makes me happy!

Happy Boy!

Mikey, our favorite Golden!

And where is Jimmy while we are outside? He's on his way out to have pizza with friends! You Rock Dude!

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