Well, the day that Elijah finally made it back to school, Caleb was sick and stayed home. He had been running a fever since Saturday night, which is odd for him. He seemed a little better on Tuesday, and he wanted to go to school so bad. I went against my better judgment and let him go. He made it until 9am. :( He ended up missing the rest of the week with bouts of the chills, puking, coughing, and just plain feeling yucky. Tomorrow is his birthday (Monday). He's been sick over a week. I thought he would make it to school tomorrow, but today he was coughing a lot and then didn't eat much dinner. So, I will keep him home with me again. Liam is staying home too since he had an Orthotics appointment. I say "had" because I cancelled it today, after deciding that Caleb would need to stay home. Liam's aide has already planned on taking tomorrow off, since he knew Liam wasn't coming in. No big deal, I love hanging out with my squishy boy. With Caleb and Elijah sick the last few weeks, I haven't had as much time with Liam. So, I am praying that Caleb feels good tomorrow, because after all, it's his 11th birthday. When you ask Caleb how old he is going to be, he smiles and says, "Eleben".

Caleb's 1st time using the nebulizer. He was not impressed!
My sick, but still, my silly Ca-wub wub. :)
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