We had a pretty nice spring break even though we didn't go on vacation or something like that. Actually, when Caleb was asked what he wanted to do most, he said that he wanted to wash the van at the car wash. 😁 We went to the movies and saw Boss Baby, which was actually pretty cute! We went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse. The boys were awesome. Liam didn't throw a thing orshove anything off the table. He ate two servings of applesauce all by himself. This is big for him! The food was delicious, the boys were awesome! We had a nice waitress, so it was a win! I took the boys to the Rec Center to swim. My goal was not to get in the water. I did not achieve my goal. LOL But, the water was warm and the boys had a blast, and Liam didn't close down the pool. Another win! We're on a roll! During the week, Caleb and Elijah had a couple sleepovers. They like to sleep in the living room. We always have popcorn and a movie before lights go out, so it's fun for all. We had a really nice day on Sunday, so we went to mill Pond to play and throw rocks in the water. While we were there, a snake (Ribbon snake) decided to swim by, and then slither out of the water and visit us. A little freaky, as that has never happened before, but it was all okay, and we moved to another area. LOL 🐍🐍

Silly Boy!
Love this one!
And, Caleb got to wash the van!! 😎
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