Friday, January 15, 2010

Random Tidbits

Caleb is playing a Curious George game on the laptop. He is all about George!

Elijah is quickly becoming a Ham!! He has quite the personality!

See that horn? It's really LOUD! And Jimmy had just blew it right next to me on New Years! (That's why he is cracking up!!) :):)


  1. Great pics!!

    ...but I thought ERIK's tummy was big - I think Elijah's got him beat!! ;op

  2. I know, isn't that funny? It's about the only place on him that has any weight!:)

  3. Our David is all about George too! So Caleb and David could play George and then Caleb and Aiden could "clean"! Funny guys!Mary Ellen

  4. I love Jimmy's face in the horn picture he is so tickled with himself.

  5. My Eli's got the great budda belly too :) I LOVE it! Isaac's still in the process of gaining one :) Great pictures...always are :D
