Sunday, June 27, 2010
This weekend
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Summer vacation is here!
On the first day of vacation, we wasted no time and headed to the waterpark. Caleb LOVES this place and gets so excited! I decided to leave Elijah home this time, because I wanted to go with Caleb and Jimmy on all the water slides. It was 90* out and the water felt so good! We had a blast!
Here are a few pics that I took a couple days ago of Caleb and Elijah in the backyard. These two love to be outside! Caleb has learned to smile big for the camera on cue but with Elijah it's a little more difficult. So I am real excited when I capture his big smile on camera!:)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Gotcha Day- 5 years ago today
and then 10 weeks later.....
I can't believe that it has been 5 years since I stood in a Russian courtroom and was granted Caleb's adoption. On that day I became a Mommy for the third time. I now had three sons! My 10 day wait was waived so right after court, I was driven to Caleb's orphanage to pick up my brand new son. It felt surreal as I waited for them to bring him into me. When they handed him to me, I was in tears at the sight of my beautiful little boy looking at me with his stunning blue eyes. My little boy, the child God entrusted me with, the child who would call me Mama.

Caleb has come a long way in the last 5 years. He went from being a little forgotten orphan, laying alone in a crib, to having a loving Mommy and two older brothers who think the world of him. And then last year, Caleb became a big brother to Elijah. Caleb is adored by his teachers, bus drivers, friends and especially our family. He is very busy, always moving and laughing most of the time. He is very cuddly and will ask for a hug several times a day. He loves to sit on my lap and watch TV or read a book. He loves cars and trucks, swimming, and playing outside. He really enjoys going to the movies and McDonalds. He likes to paint and trace his hand. Whenever I say "Caaaaaaaleb", he'll say "Luuuuuucas!":)
This year, Caleb has learned to write his first name, read several sight words, and count to 20 just to name a few. And he has charmed the lunch ladies into making him chicken everyday, even when it's not on the lunch menu!
He also can be a stinker, like when he throws things up on the roof, pulls the fire alarm at school, throws a dog toy through the garage window, knocks plants over (we only have 2 left)and unscrews the lightbulbs on my lamps. I now know that if the lamp won't work, screw in the lightbulb!
Most important, Caleb has a family, he is loved, he is celebrated, he is happy, and he has a future! There is not one night that goes by, that I don't thank God that Caleb is sleeping in his own bed instead of sleeping in a bed in an institution somewhere. I love Caleb beyond what words can describe. He is my on this day we celebrate the fact that Caleb is a part of our family. I love you my little man, my Fudgie, my precious boy! Love, Mommy
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