The boys and I talk about Liam every day. His picture is in several rooms of our home. They see it and smile. They say his name in their prayers. Caleb tells me that Liam is going to the waterpark with him. Jimmy wants him to come home. He tells me, "He needs a mommy." Love that kid.:) He gets it.
And just a few short months ago, I didn't know I had another child out there. Funny, how God works huh? And when God ran it by me, I was excited and then I panicked, "What?" "How can I do this?" "Going through another adoption process will just add stress to my life, and worry, and fear, and......" (Now, everyone who knows my heart, knows that I have been hoping to adopt again, but being able to make it actually happen is the hard part.)
Well, God heard all of my arguments, excuses and whines. And He said to me, "Trust me, have faith in me,......I know it's scary and hard and stressful.....but I am here and I won't leave you."
Now this little boy that lives on the other side of the world, is in my thoughts and dreams every day! I wonder about how big he is, what does he like to eat, what does he like to play with? Does he get to play outside? Does someone smile at him? Does he have any books to look at? I hate not knowing....it's hard.
BUT, it's not about me now, is it? It's about Liam. And the fact is, that it is not God's plan that Liam and others like him are hidden away behind closed doors. His life has value and God has big plans for him. I am just a small part of a greater plan.
Still, there is so much paperwork and the cost! Oh my, how could I ever afford this especially when I have things that need fixing and bills to pay?
But isn't that what Jesus did for me? Did he not pay with his life to bring me home?
How could I be so selfish and lack the faith to bring home this precious child... when Jesus paid so much to ransom me?
I am so excited to bring Liam home! There are still moments of fear and doubt,but each and every time, God has shown me that He is with me, and that He is in charge.
I have a child waiting for me....although he does not know that he is waiting. He does not know that he has a Mama that dreams of the day she walks out of the orphanage holding his hand. Liam is coming home. Yes, there are good times a comin'!
God asks all of us to do things. It's just sometimes we are too afraid to say yes. And because we are afraid, how many of God's blessings have we missed out on? I have feared and said "No" to God many times in my life. And I am sure, that I have missed out on some of God's greatest blessings because I have been too afraid.
Well, not this time!
Isaiah 41:13
For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. (NIV)