Saturday, May 14, 2011

Jimmy's Formal

This boy of mine makes me so proud!

Devin...always smiling:)

Jimmy's friend Libby who moved out of state, surprised him when she showed up today.:)

Brandon and Jimmy

Jimmy and Kurt


As Jimmy was getting ready to board the limo, he turned toward everyone and said "See ya in Vegas!":):) I love that kid!

Jimmy has been talking about this dance for a month. He has been so excited! I have too.:) Jimmy went to the prom all four years when he was in highschool. He is in a Young Adult program now and this is his first formal dance since then and he couldn't wait! We all met up at the park for photos. Then they took the Limo bus for a ride for about 45 minutes before they arrived at Mac's restaurant in town. After that, they are headed to the dance!


  1. Amy, Jimmy is so special. He looks so handsome in his suit and I love that he's so happy to experience all the events in life.
    I'm so looking forward to a long life with Gracie and seeing Jimmy makes me all the more excited.

  2. Wow, what a handsome young man you have there! These pictures, especially the group picture, make me smile. What a wonderful group to belong to. I hope they all had fun!!

  3. He always looks so handsome when he goes to dances. Did he have a good time, i sure hope so. Love him.
