Saturday, June 18, 2011


Sometimes this world can make me feel like there is no hope. Sometimes I think about this adoption and wonder if it can really happen. Am I strong enough to go through all of these emotional ups and downs as I prepare and wait and wait some more for a child that I have never met? This adoption is expensive and there have been times when I have been worried wondering how in the world am I ever going to raise the funds to bring this child home. I catch myself worrying about the process and how slow and difficult it has been in the last year for so many families adopting from this country. I've even caught myself thinking, "What am I doing? Why am I doing this again?"

I quickly get very upset with myself when I start thinking that way.

Because it's not about me.
It's not about me and how I don't want to be inconvenienced.
It's not about me and how I don't want to be broke for the next year as I try to scimp and save every last penny.
It's not about me when I make myself ask over and over again for donations.
It's not about me when I think about what I could be doing if I wasn't trying to adopt this little boy.

It's about Liam and all the other orphans who are helplessly waiting.....

They wait,
while we go to the movies,
while we eat out with friends,
while we put our children on the bus to go to school,
while we watch our favorite shows and eat popcorn with our family,
while we watch our children play at the park,
while we read our children stories,
while we tuck them in at night,
while we go to bed and look forward to the next day.

No, it's not about me.

And I quickly ask Jesus to forgive me, that for even a second, I could think that it is ever about me.

As my little boy waits, I can't sit here and feel hopeless, or worried or tired.

Liam is waiting. His whole life is all about waiting. And the sad part is that almost all of the children born just like him, and put into orphanages and institutions, will wait their entire lives and no one will come.

No, it's not about me.

And really, throughout this adoption process, I have dreamed of having Liam home and watching him play with his brothers. I imagine him sitting in the back seat with Caleb and Elijah. I long for the day that he steps off the school bus in front of our home. I want my little boy home and I LOVE this child so much already!

But the point of the that the process is difficult, it's emotionally difficult. It financially difficult, and it can be overwhelming at times. But I know from experience, that adoption is so worth it....and I will be the one rewarded in the end when Liam finally comes home. I will be the one who's blessed when this little guy calls me Mama....and I can't wait!!!

During those times when I talk with Jesus about this adoption, I am reminded of all of these innocent children. I am reminded that they are depending on us. Their lives, and their futures depend on what we do now, right now.


  1. I know it's hard, it's back breaking, heart breaking hard...But you will bring Liam Lucas home, you will, and we will all be cheering for you when you step off that plane. But until then, know that you are loved and are covered in prayer by so many, that I can promise you. :)

  2. Oh, Amy, my heart aches for you! I know how hard this is, the waiting, the worry, the fundraising, the unknowns... God is watching absolutely everything, though, and He loves this child far more than you do!! He wants him to have love and a life and He will help you to perform this good work for Him! He doesn't want any of His children to fall into harm's way and with your willing heart He will help you to help Him help Liam!! :o} Did that make sense?? lol

    Stay strong, Amy, and I'll be holding you up in prayer! (And will make another donation! I want that bracelet!)

    Much love, my friend.

  3. Thanks for sharing, Amy HUGS to you!!!

  4. First of all, I want you to know I am praying for you. Thank you for this open, honest post. It struck a chord in my heart that I had pretty well silenced. It is not about me, and they are still waiting. Even if I am not in a position to adopt again, I need to remember them. I need to be doing something. Thanks Amy.

  5. 6 entries, please! I left a $25 donation. I SO wish it could be more!!!!! :o( At least I can buy your lunch while you're over there... ;o}

  6. Big hugs Amy! Your heart is so tender and sweet and big-- keep your eye on the prize!
