A couple weeks ago, we spent the morning at Kellogg's Eye Center and it was determined the Liam was very far sighted. So we were given a prescription gor his glasses. I decided to go with Specs4Us www.specs4us.com
which designs glasses especially to fit children with Down syndrome. This is my first experience with glasses for any of my children so this was all new to me. The frames came in yesterday and they are so cute! Liam of course, did not want to wear them and cried off and on while he had them on. But, todawhen I put them on his, he wore them for 45 minutes and only tried to take them off twice.:)
This experience with Liam getting glasses also saddened me a lot. Just thinking of how long Liam has gone without being able to see clearly. And then I thought of all the other children and adults who are in institutions who will probably never get to leave. On top of being sentenced to this horrific place forever......how many can not see clearly? It just brings me to tears. Thank you Jesus for entrusting Liam to me. He is a precious gift that I still can't believe is really mine! It brings tears to my eyes, to think of where he was. Just a tiny little victim in this world of injustice against the disabled. I just can't comprehend how people can treat these children this way. I pray that our Lord, along with all of us, will change the world for these precious souls. You may not be able to save them all but you CAN save at least one (or two or three...). And with every adoption, we are changing hearts of those who are in charge to take care of them. It may not seem like much, but even if one heart is changed through your adoption, you have done God's will. www.reecesrainbow.org
When Isaac came home we found out that he's really near sighted. When we got his first pair of glasses (at Costco) I was so excited for him & told the clerk this was his first pair. She looked at me with disgust and said "Your son should have had glasses along time ago, why haven't you gotten them before?" After I explained the situation she apologized & said.."how sad that so many of the children are not only alone, but aren't even given the chance to at least see"
ReplyDelete:( We bought his second pair though 'Specs..' cause they fit his face better, but after loosing those, his first pair from Costco and countless others since I've resorted to the Walmart $9. pairs, lol. Isaac is forever loosing his glasses and we never see them again. What he does with them is beyond me! He just got a new pair..I think I'm going to be giving in and putting the band around his neck with em'. Anything at this point to help with keeping them on :)
I'm joining you in prayer everyday sis...Lord, rise up your people for your lost children.
Hugs to you and your beautiful, bountiful home ♥
Liam looks totally adorable in his glasses! I've had glasses since I was five so I know what it's like to appreciate being able to see clearly.
ReplyDeleteIt is truly a shame to think just how many kids like Liam are not being treated for being unable to see properly - but that is just another reason to rejoice and praise God for families like yours who have opened their arms to kids like Liam! God bless <3
love his smile!
ReplyDeleteLiam is so cute in his glasses, I am so happy he can now see. He is so lucky to be in his new family having you as a mom and having four brothers who love him is so great. I love you all. Aunt Sandy
ReplyDeleteHe looks so handsome! I bawled when my son Z had his first pair at almost 7 years and when they were first on he yelled "Mama! I can SEE!"
ReplyDeleteI haven't found a way to comment with my wordpress since leaving blogger, but wanted you to know I still follow your blog!