You have to have a sense of humor when you try and take a group photo. Good thing, they are cute!!
Everybody ready? One, two, three...Jimmy close your eyes. Perfect.
After we got the sleeper cropped out. Jimmy asked: Where's me? I said: You were sleeping! LOL
Just can't resist that little tongue can ya?
One, two, three, Liam look at the deck, Elijah, look at Liam, and Jimmy, close your eyes. Perfect.
One, two, three, Liam squint, and Jimmy, look away from the camera. Another great shot!
Liam, you can look up now, and Jimmy the camera is over this way. LOL
And there's that tongue again. Oh right, different kid. LOL
And Caleb, well, he has finally mastered sitting and smiling perfect for Mama and her crazy camera.
One down and three to go. :)