They had a blast!
Very proud of their eggs!
Jimmy's basket
Elijah's basket
Caleb's basket
Liam's basket
Liam's new barking puppy. It's pretty much a given in our house, that if there's a new stuffed talking toy, it is Liam's.
Caleb was very happy to finally find his basket, hidden under a load of clean laundry in the laundry basket.
Elijah was very happy to have some help finding his basket.
Jimmy was so funny. He kinda scopes the room out and then decides, it's not there. Yes, he had a little coaxing as well.
We also had a small Easter egg hunt after breakfast.
We had beautiful weather this Easter Sunday.
He is Risen!
the boys look like they really made out great, glad you all had a great Easter. Love you all, aunt Sandy