We had our fingerprints done for USCIS today. We left at 7:00am. It should have only taken us around 45 minutes to get there but it took almost 2 hours. The snow storm didn't help, and because we were on the road so early, we saw a lot of spinouts and accidents. On Monday, they closed one of the main roads that we needed to take to get there. I am not familiar with the area so that had me a little worried. There were MANY times this morning that we were only driving 15 mph, so needless to say my stomach was in a knot most of the way! But we made it with 4 minutes to spare! While we were there, Jimmy asked the man who was taking his fingerprints if he wanted Mikey's (our Golden Retriever) paw prints. I had told Jimmy a few weeks ago that it wasn't necessary to get Mikey's paw prints, but I guess he wanted to hear it directly from them. They got a good laugh. He has a way of making people smile!:)