Jimmy just loves trains, especially Thomas the Tank Engine. He has quite a collection, some of which he displays in his room and many more in a case just for trains. Whenever a new Thomas train comes out or a Thomas movie and Jimmy sees it in the store, he gets so excited. All he has to do is look at me and I can never say no. Even though Jimmy is 21, he still enjoys his trains.:) Caleb is also crazy about trains. He has started a collection of Thomas trains also. Some were donated to him from Jimmy who had a few duplicates and was more than happy to give them to Caleb. Today Caleb got a new train set with some of his Christmas money. He really likes it! It comes with a remote control to operate the train, and yes I did get Roma his own remote control and train so they can play at the same time.:)
Adoption update: Jimmy and I have our fingerprint appointments required for USCIS this Friday.
Oh my goodness....I have sooooo much Thomas the train stuff that I have kept from Jakob.....just in case Xander decides he likes trains.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're moving along with your adoption stuff. I feel like we are so stuck...waiting on the social worker and USCIS *sigh*. You should be on track to get to Roma by summer time though!
I suppose Roma will love trains too then! Do you have a name for him yet? I'm sure you are excited!
ReplyDeleteI just love reading about your boys.....it so makes me want another boy....My son is so out numbered. 5 girls to 1 boy...oh my!
Im so excited for you to be adding sweet Roma to the family....gotta name yet??
What a handsome bunch of boys you have! I hope the fingerprinting goes well.