Friday, August 8, 2008


Notice that sad little plant behind Jimmy and Caleb? When I'm not looking, Caleb likes to throw things at it. This is all that's left.:(

....and Ben was out with friends while we were taking pics.:(


  1. These boys light up my day! I love the identical faces! I honestly think Caleb has the best grin ever! His whole face lights up! Precious! I can't wait to see his grin with Elijah!

  2. Your boys are adorable! They make me smile. I am excited to see your new little one, and pray that that your arms are around him very soon!


    (Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my blog:))

  3. I just love these pictures! What great boys you have! They look like they are a lot of fun.

  4. I can't wait to see your new one making faces with the older ones. Poor Ben, look at all the fun he misses by leaving the house!

    Ps. I love seeing all your boys - they sure brighten my day. Michael says we should go visit you - he thinks it would be fun to hang out with boys for a change!

  5. Wow, Amy! You are gorgeous and I love these pictures of your boys together. What a couple of hams?!
    Kerry from RR
