Emptying toys from the bins and putting them into the toy box:)

We have been home a week today and it has been wonderful. Elijah is fitting in nicely and sleeping well at night, thank goodness. He is not crazy about naps though, he would rather sleep in my arms (I love this too) or in the truck (LOL!).
He is catching on to things quickly. He signs three words without any prompting. I may say the word but do not have to make the sign. He signs "eat" "drink" and "all done". He will also show you where his nose is when asked. He responds to his name and when you ask him "Where is Elijah?", he will point to himself. His favorite song so far is
When you're Happy and you know it and he will clap, stomp his feet, and throw his hands in the air all by himself.
He was afraid of the bath while we were in Russia, but after I brought his ball into the tub, that's all it took to have him see it's not so bad. Now he can't get into the tub fast enough, when it's bath time.:)
He is still a little picky eater, but I know with time he will be eating more of a variety. He does love his yogurt and his cookies!
He loves Caleb and lights up when he sees him. Caleb is doing better at playing with him and not just taking his toys or running a car into him. LOL! Typical big brother....but I have to say Caleb loves his "baby Elijah". He can't wait to see him in the morning and insists that Elijah's highchair is right next to his chair at meal times. Jimmy loves him and wants to show Elijah off to everyone. We are going up to Jimmy's class today so he can introduce his friends to Elijah. Ben has been bringing friends over to meet Elijah. They all get a big kick out of him. Ben thinks it is so cool that Elijah is so funny and smart. He also keeps saying, "He's so cute and small!" :) Tomorrow I am taking Elijah to my classroom so my students can meet him. They have been so excited about the adoption and are very excited to see Elijah in person.
I am so thankful to be home finally with Elijah. What a journey this adoption has been. Adoption is a leap of faith but when God calls on you to adopt, remember that he will never leave you alone to do things by yourself. He is always there making things happen in His time. Waiting is sometimes the hardest part of all, but trusting that God is in control is what will give you peace throughout the process. Believe me, I had to call on God several times for peace, understanding, and patience that it will happen when it is supposed to happen.
Adoption has been God's plan for our family and we have been rewarded with the gift of both Caleb and Elijah. God is Good!
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!2 Corinthians 9:15 NKIV