Elijah and Uncle Sean
These are photos from today. Jimmy and Ben are visiting their Dad who lives about 15minutes away from my brother. We missed them yesterday when they stopped by and we weren't home. Hopefully we'll catch up with them soon. Today we went to a Mexican restaurant with my brother Sean and his roomate Mark. Afterwards we went to a park so the boys could play. Caleb made a mad dash to the ocean with Mark close on his heels! Caleb wants to be in the water whenever he sees it, and he has no fear so we have to keep a close eye on him! After the park, the guys went to work and I took Caleb and Elijah to the beach. It was a beautiful sunny day with blue skies, and warm water! We had a great time. Elijah felt so relaxed in the water while I was holding him, he put his little head on my shoulder. Caleb stayed in the water almost the whole time we were there. Then we stopped at "Donalds" on the way home.:)