Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Jimmy being funny:)

My boys are such a gift and so full of love! Happy New Year to all of our friends and family! I pray that this new year will bring you hope, love, good health, peace and happiness!


  1. Happy New Year to you and yours too! And, nothing is more precious than little ones (especially those with a little something extra) in PJ's!

    Love, Paula

  2. Those boys (all of them)make my heart happy. Love looking at those smiles. I wish you the same wish Amy. Peace and happiness mixed with good health and of course the best of all, love.

  3. Your boy's always have a smile on their faces, I know it has to be such a joy for you just having them in your life. Love you all, I pray you and all of your boys have a safe and blessed New Year. Love Aunt Sandy

  4. Amy you take great pictures of your boys! I love looking at your blog. Happy New Year to you and your guys!
    Mary Ellen

  5. The pictures of Jimmy make me especially happy because I know what I've got to look forward to when Sarge is older. He's pure joy in this picture!
