Monday, April 19, 2010

E is for Elijah

I can't tell you how much JOY Elijah has brought us! He is just so cute and we have so much fun with him each day. He is quite a character and has such a great sense of humor! He is also very smart! Right now, he has started pointing to and saying the letter E whenever he sees it. He gets very excited like he's thinking "Wow! Check out that E!" He knows that E is for Elijah and also for Elmo. So it must be a very important letter, right?!:)


  1. Amym he is so cute. I so look forward to him and Gracie meeting and playing. Someday....

  2. He is so cute, E is a very important letter, E= Elija which of course is important but E for Elmo is also great. Love you all, Aunt Sandy

  3. What a smartie pants!!!

    E is definitely a veeeery cool letter.

  4. Cute, smart & a great personality?! He's a total package!! :) I love following all your boys growing adventures!

  5. Hello, I'm new to your blog. You have blessed me so much. I enjoyed reading through several of your posts.

    Thank you,

    Windmills and Tulips
