Thursday, April 8, 2010

Power Brushing

Both Caleb and Elijah received battery operated toothbrushes in their Easter baskets this year. I wasn't sure how Elijah would like it since he is fearful of new things. He was hesitant to try it, but once he saw Caleb use it, he was convinced that it was "cool"! They have always enjoyed brushing their teeth, but now they come running into the bathroom when I say "It's time to brush your teeth!"


  1. What a great idea to go right along with the chocolate bunnies! I will have to file that idea away for next year! Your boys are, once again, as cute as ever!!

  2. How fun! My kids got electric ones from te Easter Bunny this year too, except for Patrick who got a musical one. He loves it too, it plays a song from Yo Gabba Gabba, so we dance and brush at the same time :)

  3. LOL!! Erik recently got one, and he HATED it at first - it was almost like we were starting over again with teaching him to tolerate teeth brushing! But he quickly overcame his fear and now he tolerates it, but he clearly prefers the regular old boring tooth brush. ;o)

  4. To get kids to want to brush their teeth is just great. Good going Mom.
