Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jimmy's Ride

This bike allows Jimmy to be independent in riding all over our neighborhood. We ride together sometimes but Jimmy really likes to ride by himself too. Most everyone knows Jimmy or is used to seeing Jimmy ride in our neighborhood, and that makes me feel good. He likes his independence and I love seeing the pride on his face when he takes off.:)


  1. That bike is fantastic he really looks happy on it. Love him!

  2. Wow, what a great bike! What kind is it? Grace has "fat wheels" on her bike, but it isn't as stable as she would like. Perhaps this would be better? Thanks for posting!

  3. What a great look on his face! I just love this guy!!

  4. LOVE this bike (and the look on Jimmy's face)!

  5. Awesome bike. He looks so happy. That bike has a lot of years ahead of it. Some day, you might need a bigger garage for all three of them. :)

  6. Oh, how I love Jimmy!!! I just have to meet him some day. :)
