Thursday, January 12, 2012

Liam's free!

Today was Liam's Gotcha Day! And now his life is really going to begin. He was so excited and came right to me today with a big smile and open arms. It made this Mama's heart burst with emotion! I love this little boy so! He babbled and laughed and took in every minute of the ride to the passport office. And it was a long ride. But he wasn't going to miss any of it. After the passport office, we stopped at the grocery store and let me tell you, Liam really liked that too! He started reaching out for things (or I should say grabbing things) but I was happy to see that. It shows just how curious he is. At the institution, he didn't touch anything on the shelves. Maybe he can tell that he has already charmed the socks off his new Mama, so he would see what he could get away with.:) He's a charmer for sure! Once we got back to the apartment, he explored every area there was and then had some dinner. And he drinks from a regular cup all by himself! Next, came the bath. I was a little worried that it might frighten him because they don't give baths at the institution....but he LOVED it! I have another waterbug:)

I am so blessed by this little guy. I don't know what I did to deserve such a gift, but I am so very thankful!


  1. Congratulations, Amy! I'm so happy for you both! Enjoy snuggling that sweet little guy!!!

  2. Praises! What a perfectly handsome little son you have.

  3. Have a great trip back, how does Liam interact with Ben? I enjoyed hearing that he was so curious about everything outside of the institute. Can't wait to hear how he does with Jimmy, Caleb and Elijah. Will you be having any time off from work when you get back? Love you all.

  4. wonderful wonderful wonderful! i have tears here in the uk!

  5. WHOO HOO!!!! Congratulations Liam! You've got yourself a new Mama and big brothers to love and adore you. I'm so happy for you! Amy, he reminds me a lot of Asher. Wow...seems like it was much more than just a month ago that Asher walked out of the institution for the last time. Can't wait till you get him home.

  6. Congratulations, Amy and family. I am so happy for Liam and all of you. He looks so handsome in his green winter gear. Safe travels home!
    Patty Lococo

  7. He's such a handsome boy - and that smile! I love it. God bless you and your family, and Happy Gotcha Day, Liam! :)

  8. This is just the biggest blessing all day!!!! Liam is FREE. All of Heaven is cheering!!! Love you, friend. Give that boy the biggest smooch from me!

  9. Congratulations!!!!! Safe travels home!!

  10. Been waiting for this post! Another handsome Lucas boy!! Congrats Mama :) Thank U Lord, thank You!
