It was a beautiful day here and it felt great to spend the afternoon outside. Liam, Elijah and I have all been sick for the last couple weeks. Now that we're feeling better, poor Caleb is not feeling well. It was mostly sinuses, but both Liam and Elijah had an ear infection and Liam also had a bad cough. He was prescribed Amoxicillan and he became very lethargic and wouldn't eat. After his bloodwork came back okay (we're still waiting on a couple more tests), I do believe that it was the antibiotic. I called the dr. last Tuesday and asked if I could stop the Amoxicillan. He had been on it 8 days and the dr. had already said that his ear was okay. Yesterday was Liam's first day to show any interest in food. I can't tell you how relieved it is to see my silly little boy laugh again, make funny noises and want to eat! His cough has improved also. So after all of that, today was beautiful for several reasons.:) I hope Caleb recovers quickly. He takes Manuka honey daily and it usually works well for him, so praying he feels better soon.:)
Caleb trying to get the bubbles to hit my sunglasses.:) |
Elijah loves this swing! He's going to be too big pretty soon! |
I just love his sweet smile.:) |
My sweet little man. He told me,"No feel good." :( |
Mikey is so good with the boys. They love to climb all over him! |
Happy Boy again! |
I hope Caleb feels better soon, it's great to see Liam smiling again and I am so glad he is eating again, I didn't realize Elijah was sick also here's praying all of your boys and you will be feeling good soon. Love you all, Aunt Sandy