Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Coloring eggs was a lot of fun this year!

Caleb really got into it for the first time.:) He only dumped one color (orange) but that's okay. It wasn't our favorite color anyway.

Liam was so excited although he didn't want anything to do with the eggs. He kept us smiling with his silliness.

Then on Easter afternoon, we had an Easter egg hunt. I loved watching the boys run around looking for eggs.

Jimmy had hinted to me the night before, that he preferred money over candy in his Easter eggs. I passed it along to the Easter Bunny.:)

Liam didn't much care for the Easter egg hunt. After two eggs, he was done. So he just sat around looking CUTE!

Happy Easter from our family to yours,

He is Risen!


  1. Those boys of yours are so precious.
    I wish I could give each of them a hug.

  2. Your kids are so cute. Have a blessed Easter! :)

  3. I'm glad they had fun coloring eggs and the weather was nice for them to hunt for eggs. Megan had our Caleb color eggs for the first time, he liked doing it but he won't eat them. Love you and the boys.

  4. What fun!! Erik actually participated for the first time this year - we pointed out the eggs and he picked them up and put them in the basket! ...well, 3 of them, anyway. LOL

    Looks like you had a great time! :o)

  5. Haha - money instead of candy - love that boy! Max didn't care for any part of his eggs either.

  6. So cute. I love the pictures of your boys.

    The nerdlet was the only one of my three even remotely interested in gathering eggs and she would only pick up the pink ones.
