Saturday, January 12, 2013

Happy First Gotcha Day Liam Josiah!

A year ago today, I walked into an institution outside the Russian city of Sergei Posad. I walked down the hall and handed a small bag of clothes to a caregiver so she could change Liam out of his institution clothes and into his OWN clothes. As I waited for him to be dressed, a little boy with Down syndrome darted by a caregiver and into my arms. I held him close and told him I loved him and then the caregiver pryed him away from me. :(
On a day that I was supposed to be incredibly happy about (which I was), I was also reminded of the little ones left behind. That little boy knew I was a Mama and he desperate wanted to be loved.

Seconds later, Liam walked out to me with his arms stretched out. I scooped up my precious little boy and we proceeded to walk back down the corridor toward the side door which we had come. I had a stinging feeling in my stomach for all of the  children who will never have a Mama come for them. I teared up and held my precious little boy tight.

Liam had no idea what was really going on . He just knew that he was being held onto and loved by this woman who called herself Mama. He had no idea what that meant,.....he had gone 7 years without a Mama. I bundled him up, walked outside into the bitter cold air of a wintery, Russian afternoon and we left that institution for good. Once in the van, I seatbelted him in and took one last look at the institution that lay hidden outside of the city. A big, cold, lonely building that held some of God's most beautiful and precious children. I prayed that more families would come. I prayed that Liam would not be the last child to leave with a family to call his own.

Liam getting ready to leave with his Mama.

Leaving the institution for good.

It's only by the grace of God, that Liam is home with us. There is no other way, I could have possibly brought him home by myself. God called many people to help me bring Liam into our family. Every step of the way, manuevering my way through endless adoption requirements, and climbing what seemed like a financial mountain, God was in control. It happened all because of His love for Liam. It is not His will that any of these precious children perish. Thank you Jesus for all of your blessings and especially for Liam Josiah.

Adoption is truly one of God's Greatest Miracles.
Liam knows what love feels like now. He is happy and safe and he brings us so much joy!


  1. He is such a beautiful little guy, love his smile shows that he is really happy with his mama and his 4 brothers. All your boys are so beautiful I pray for you and your family every single day. I'm praying for those other children still left in Russia will be allowed to be adopted by parents waiting to get their children out. Love you all. Aunt Sandy
