Sunday, August 11, 2013

Weird food pics

 that were taken this weekend. :)
You never know what Jimmy is going to make himself for breakfast. Today he made sausage, cut it up and put a mild pepper on each piece. He also added some BBQ sauce on the side. ;)

While I cracked these eggs to make scrambled eggs this morning, there were "twins" in two of the eggs. I always think that is so cool! I know....doesn't take much to amuse me. LOL

I kid you not! I opened up the cabinet tonight and wheat spaghetti poured out onto the counter just like this. So of course, I had to take a picture.

Here is yesterday's breakfast that Jimmy made for himself. Jelly toast with yellow peppers.
   LOL! I swear there is something wrong with his taste buds!


  1. as long as he enjoys eating his own creations that is all that matters.

  2. Oh I'm sure Leanne would find that quite delicious as well! Travis loves to tell the story of the time he took Leanne to Subway and she ordered a pizza sub with ALL the toppings. Like everything. And the person working was like "even mayonnaise?" and Leanne was like "Yes. And mustard! And ketchup!" More condiments = more food in Leanne's book and that is a GOOD thing!
