Liam is 10 years old. You would think that a 10 year old child would have lots of experiences, during the first 10 years of his life, but that's a little different when you're an orphan. You do not go to church, the movies, swimming, the park, shopping, bowling, bike riding......and when you're a disabled orphan, you are not allowed to go to school, and it's even a possibility that you do not go outside at all. Thank God, Liam was only an orphan for 7 years, but still, the things that he lost during those 7 years is tragic. He lost more than just the opportunity to "do" things, he also lost a mother's touch, a warm little bed with his own toys to cuddle, the smell of homemade cookies coming from the kitchen, a bubble bath, Toy Story, books to look at, Easter baskets, Christmas stockings, hugs, kisses, his own clothes, a Mommy to sing him to sleep, kiss his owies, and simply, just a chance to feel safe. I could focus on all of the losses, and sometimes, I do, but it's very sad, and it is what it is. I can't change it. I do, however wish that I could have seen him sit up for the first time, take his first step, and hear him babble when he was a baby. He lost so much, and so did I. But, I am thankful for the time we have now, the memories that we can make together. I still got to do a lot of firsts with him: I took him to school for the first time, gave him his first bubble bath, took him to the movies, the water park, bowling, the park, shopping, vacation, wagon rides, and Dairy Queen.... I wonder about his first seven years without me, but I am thankful for now, each and every day, good or not so good, that we have each other. That's all that matters. So, yesterday, we celebrated Liam's 10th birthday, and our third year with him (his Gotcha day was the day before yesterday). He is a son, a brother, a nephew, a grandson, a friend. He is wanted and he belongs. He is loved and he is happy.
We love you Liam Josiah, and look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with you.
Love, your Mama
Silly Birthday Boy!
Because Liam doesn't like cake. :)
One of his presents
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