Here are Jimmy, Ben, and Caleb on Halloween. Actually, Caleb was Thomas but I had accidently bought a child's size pirate hat for Jimmy, so I kept it for Caleb. We had a good time trick or treating. Caleb did well and said "Treat" and "Thank you" very well for about the first 10 houses. After that it was "Say Trick or Treat" and he would say "NOoooooooo." He was more interested in trying to give out hugs and tell me that he saw a garage door at every house. He even got lucky and saw one go down after their car pulled in. (Caleb loves to watch garage doors go up and down.) It was a fun time for everyone!
What great pics of the boys on Halloween. Caleb has changed so much what a cutie patutie!!
ReplyDeleteI sure do miss his hugs and kisses. Please give him some for me.