Monday, March 30, 2009

More cookies please

I took Elijah some cookies on the first day that I saw him again. When he wanted more, I showed him the sign for more and then held his little hands and made the sign for "more". After a couple of times doing this with him, I asked him if he wanted more and he signed "more" perfectly! The next day when I came in, Elijah saw the diaper bag, and knowing that the cookies were in there, he signed "more" without any prompting or me saying anything! I was so excited! I have to do a Mommy brag....."He's a smarty pants!"

Elijah signing "more"

He's a Cookie Monster!


  1. Oh Amy he is so beautiful! What wonderful news that the two of you will be coming home soon! Praise God!

  2. That smiley little cutie will fit into your family perfectly!!

  3. Oh my gosh! He's so beautiful, those cheeks just need to get kissed right off!!! How smart he is! WOW! He looks like he has been well cared for, Praise God! I'm so thrilled the 10 day period was waived! That is totally awesome! Praying you home safely and comfortably!

  4. Awwwwww, God is good and Elijah is precious!

  5. What a cuter-bug! I am so happy for you. It sounds like he is doing great!!
