Friday, May 1, 2009

My Fantastic Four

Jimmy brought these delicious brownies home for my birthday! He always makes birthdays special. He talks about them for weeks and sometimes months ahead of time.:) That's Jimmy's new train hat. I'm surprised he went without wearing his Garth Brooks hat for a whole day!

I am very blessed!


  1. We are so happy for you! You are an inspiration to all of us! You are an example of someone who never let excuses get in the way of bringing precious ones in to your home and making them part of your family! Thank you for being bold and courageous! I pray that the Lord wraps you all in a blanket of his love and that you feel his presence very near! Hugs to all of you from all of us!

    Renee', Derek and tribe

  2. Happy Birthday! Great pictures :)

  3. Happy Birthday!!!!
    So glad you are celebrating with all 4 of your boys!

  4. Happy Birthday! Your family is precious! You have definitely been blessed, but you are also a blessing to so many others.

  5. Love the pictures of your boys. I really love the smile on Jimmy's face you can tell he is so proud to be giving you those brownies, his smile brought tears to my eyes. I was happy to see the picture of you and Ben, he has sure grown since the last time I saw him, those 2 babies are sooooo cute. Love all you guys, Aunt Sandy

  6. Happy, happy birthday. Those brownies look yummy.

  7. Happy Birthday and Happy Mother's Day, too!
    Cute boys and pretty mom. Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. Hi
    I just found your blog and have read about Elijah's adoption. You have one fine family and four cute(sorry handsome)boys. Congratulations!!
