Both Caleb and Elijah love to be outside. Whenever Elijah hears a door open, he comes as fast as he can doing the crabwalk. At first he was really afraid of the grass but he is getting better about it. I think his favorite toy right now is a ball, so if there is a ball out in the yard, he doesn't care if he has to go through the grass to get it. He also loves bubbles just like Caleb does. So we spend a lot of time blowing bubbles outside.
I took Caleb and Elijah to the waterpark yesterday (Jimmy was camping with friends). I wasn't sure how it would go since Elijah is not fond of cold water. He loves the bath but not the pool. Caleb absolutely loves water and gets very excited when we go to the waterpark. When we got there, Elijah was unsure about the water and wanted to be held. The water was actually pretty warm so I was happy about that. I'm not fond of cold water either. Anyway, Elijah held on tightly to me but after about a 1/2 hour he became a little interested. I think it was because he saw Caleb was having so much fun.:) He would let me put his legs in but then he would want to be picked up right away. When we sat in the water, he wanted to be on my lap. However, he would also splash his hands and feet in the water so that was progress. Meanwhile, Caleb was walking under waterfalls and playing in the wave pool. We ended up spending over three hours there and we really had a good time. By the time we got ready to leave, Elijah was doing his crabwalk right at the edge of the water.:) I think he will really enjoy it next time we go.:)