Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Has it been 4 years?:)

Today is the anniversary of Caleb's Gotcha Day. It was on June 10, 2005 that I proudly became Caleb Anatoly's Mommy! I can't believe he was so small! (Check out those tights!)
Today, he is finishing kindergarten and he is getting so big.:)
Mama loves you Fudgie!!


  1. The Lord has been good to you and your sons. love you, Aunt Sandy

  2. You have such a handsome bunch! I know you are so proud of them all!

  3. Congratulations! Happy Gotcha Day!! Caleb was soooooo cute!! Now that he's grown up, he is handsome! You are blessed, indeed!! :o)

  4. Happy Gotcha Day! What a blessing to see the differance God's made in his life and in your families life because of your obediance to Him..Such an awesome testimony!

  5. Just Beautiful!!! Happy Anniversary :)
