Monday, July 12, 2010

Outside Fun

Caleb participated in the PEAC program today for the first time. He did very well. Programs to Educate All Cyclists (PEAC) is dedicated to helping people with disabilities achieve their cycling goals.


  1. It sounds like a great program. Caleb looks like he really enjoyed it. Give all your guys a hug for me. Love ya, Aunt Sandy

  2. Can I borrow Caleb for a few weeks?? He looks like FUN!! (SUCH a cutie!!)

  3. He truly looks very happy! Love that smile. I've never heard of the PEAC program. I'll have to check to see if we have one. Probably not. Might have to travel to Michigan for that one. :)
    So glad you are having a good summer.

  4. Caleb is always a joy to see! Is he ever not smiling?!

    Haven't been to your blog for a bit. I LOVE the pic of Jimmy at the top, and with the quote, it brings me to joyful tears! Awesome!
