Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Derek and Thank You

Today is Derek's birthday .......and though he no longer lives on this Earth, he does LIVE with Jesus and I'm sure he is celebrating with the angels today. I want to say thank you to Derek's family...Renee and her beautiful children and also to Derek's brother and sister John and Tracie Loux and their children. Thank you for sharing Derek's special day with my family. We are blessed by your love for Derek and also by your love for orphans. Liam does not know how loved he is yet...but one day soon...he will! Thank you for helping me bring my son home. What a gift you have given to us. And I look forward to one day being able to thank Derek myself, when we meet in Heaven.


  1. Can feel the "legacy of love" from here. My heart is touched!

  2. This is just beautiful. The blog post that Derek did about "Redemption" when he was adopting his sons was a big inspiration to our family. I read it over and over when we were in EE bringing Julia home. I'm so happy for you, Amy, that you are closer to bringing Liam home.

  3. We love you Amy and sons! You are beautiful and we are so proud of the way you live your lives for His glory, in walking out James 1:27 in such a priceless way! Trusting Jesus to provide all the money to bring your new little one home to his forever family!

    Hugs and so much love to you all!

    Renee' Loux and tribe
