Sunday, December 30, 2012

My little Artists

I just love to watch Elijah draw. He loves to write, color, paint and draw. I haven't had to work on writing letters with him because honestly he practices them all the time on his own. In our kitchen, I have paper, markers, pencils, and crayons on a shelf where the boys can get them whenever they want. It's not unusual for Elijah to be at the table drawing or coloring bright and early in the morning. Caleb has never been one to color or draw for very long, but he has been doing it more now that he sees Elijah. And it's so cute to watch him too:)

Making a beautiful rainbow
Showing how he can write his name all by himself!
Isn't he the cutest? I'm so proud of him:)
Elijah drew this today. It's a big birthday cake with his name written all over it.:)


  1. This is awesome! Axel likes to sit at the table with all the supplies and he starts out drawing but it very quickly turns into writing his name obsessively. Asher won't have anything to do with fine motor activities. Period. And Angela is right behind him. LOL

  2. loved seeing the boys painting, Elijah is really doing well with his writing, Love them all. Have a very happy New Year.
