Friday, June 28, 2013

He ate it.....

independently! AND it wasn't yogurt or oatmeal! Liam ate chicken with peas and carrots and gravy. I put it into the food processor and heated it up and he ate it! Why I am so excited? Well, when Liam came home, he would eat some foods that I put into the food processer, but then after a few weeks, he refused everything except yogurt and oatmeal. Occasionally, he would eat some mashed potatoes or refried beans, but it was rare. The last few weeks he has been showing interest in other foods, so I tried a few things like soup and cereals with banana mashed in. He has even ate chocolate ice cream a few times in the last week or so. :) YAY! Now, if I can get him to stop spitting out everything he has to chew, we'll really be making progress.

 The bib came off before the meal was finished. LOL!


  1. I am glad he is eating, eventually he will eat solids it will just take time, it is a shame he wasn't given solids in the institution it makes you realize how all the children back in Russia in that institution are being starved. I am so happy you were able to bring Liam out of there, and you can see how well he is doing gaining weight and enjoying his life. love you and your boys.

  2. I love it!! Big boy!
    My Mosie used to spit out his nose!!! what he didn't want to eat! So tricky!
    No more now- but now he can gag-choke-cough- out a flying piece of food (that needs to be chewed) faster than I can put it in his mouth!! ROTFLOL!!
    LOVE boys!! :o)
