Sunday, October 10, 2010


Last week when Caleb wasn't feeling well, he fell asleep on the couch. I couldn't resist taking his picture. He just looked so precious sleeping there. Man, I love this kid so much!!

Caleb is feeling better but his antibiotic is causing some diarrhea. And you know what I mentioned before about how Caleb will obsess about things and talk about them and occasionally act them out? Well, this weekend Caleb informed me that Grover has "Di-A-Wea"!


  1. Caleb is adorable. The Grover comment is funny and cute. What a beautiful and blessed family you have Amy. God Bless

  2. He looks amazingly lovable! I'm glad he is feeling better. Sorry about the diawea.:)

  3. The poor little guys, Caleb and Grover. Hope they feel better very soon. love you guys, Aunt Sandy

  4. I don't know whether to say "Poor Caleb!" or "LOL!!"
